⛳雪梨老师自然拼读音标课语法课新概念全套【80GB】夸克网盘资源_网盘资源_夸克网盘资源搜索_全盘搜 file:23.Lesson 23 复习课(介词).mp4 file:57.Lesson 57 一般将来时中的will.mp4 file:15.Lesson 15 时间介词拓展in on at.mp4 file:66.Lesson 66 句子类型(主谓双宾和主谓宾补).mp4 file:71.Lesson 71 句子类型-感叹句.mp4 file:19.Lesson 19 方位介词on under between beside next to.mp4 file:35.Lesson 35 助动词 DO DOES 疑问句.mp4 file:20.Lesson 20 方位介词inside outside in front of.mp4 file:32.mp4 file:新概念英语第二册笔记.pdf file:新概念英语第2册单词汇总打印版带音标和中文.pdf file:34.Lesson 34 ie igh y.mp4 file:12.Lesson 12 双元音 [ɔɪ] [ɪə].mp4 file:8.Lesson 8 Jj Kk Ll 单词拓展.mp4 file:42.Lesson 42 sm sn sw str.mp4 file:35.Lesson 35 特殊连读-音变(tds+y).mp4 file:14.Lesson 14 爆破音[p][b][t][d][k][g].mp4 file:25.Lesson 25 塞擦音 [tr] [dr] [ts] [dz].mp4 file:最全新概念英语第一册单词(word完整版).doc file:新概念英语 1(教师用书).docx file:新概念英语 自学导读1 带书签.pdf file:单词词汇-新概念英语一.xls file:新概念一册专属讲义(整合版供打印使用).docx file:28.ts file:5.Over the River.ts file:1.At the MarKet.ts file:4.The Bady Animals.ts file:16.Tom.ts file:7.Making Soup.ts file:8.My family.ts file:3.Funny Things.ts file:14.one the .......School.ts file:6.My Big Bear.ts file:9.Mouse.ts file:34-Quick Work.lrc file:50-Taken for a Ride.lrc file:24-It Could be Worse.lrc file:60-The Future.lrc file:95-A Fantasy.lrc file:94-Future Champions.lrc file:36-Across the Channel.lrc file:65-Jumbo Versus the Police.lrc file:16-A Polite Request.lrc file:57-Can I Help You, Madam.lrc file:92-Asking for Trouble.lrc file:85-Never Too Old To Learn.lrc file:11-One Good Turn Deserves Another.lrc file:74-Out of the Limelight.lrc file:47-A Thirsty Ghost.lrc file:59-In or Out.lrc file:56-Faster Than Sound.lrc file:80-The Crystal Palace.lrc file:79-By Air.lrc file:13-The Greenwood Boys.lrc file:86-Out of Control.lrc file:30-Football or Polo.lrc file:67-Volcanoes.lrc file:90-What's for Supper.lrc file:46-Expensive and Uncomfortable.lrc file:38-Everything Except the Weather.lrc file:43-Over the South Pole.lrc file:45-A Clear Conscience.lrc file:《快乐自然拼读》课程讲义.pdf file:NCE1_lesson57-58(共15页).ppt file:lesson43-44(共32页)-2.ppt file:Lesson17-18-19(共50页).ppt file:被动语态(共20页).ppt file:L133-135直引变间引.ppt folder:⛳雪梨老师自然拼读音标课语法课新概念全套【80GB】 folder:02.【雪梨老师】初级英语语法课 folder:01.【雪梨老师】自然拼读+音标+发音规则(精品课三合一) folder:这里面是赠送课程,亲,记得给个好评哦 folder:01.雪梨老师【新概念2册】正课视频 folder:04.新概念二册课件 folder:03.赠课新概念美音(第2册)(MP3+LRC) folder:02.赠送-原文跟读(赠课-不包) folder:3.【主课】自然拼读 — 长音组合 folder:9.【主课】口语发音规则 folder:10.老师额外赠送学习福利 folder:02.新概念1册教材笔记讲义习题详解 folder:01.新溉念第一册144节课 folder:雪梨老师读绘本 folder:英语启蒙儿歌 folder:NCE2-美音-(MP3+LRC) folder:1.雪梨老师课程电子讲义359页 folder:57-58(共11个样品课件) folder:105-106 folder:23-24 分享时间 2024-10-18 入库时间 2024-10-19 状态检测 有效 资源类型 QUARK 分享用户 夸父*源09 资源有问题?点此举报 链接 跳转 分享