- file:005【经验分享】吉哥妈妈:牛津树带孩子进入故事开口说英语.m4a
- file:001【发刊词】童老师和你聊聊《牛津阅读树》.m4a
- file:004【经验分享】Rainbow妈妈:学英语从听故事开始.m4a
- file:人物关系图.jpg
- file:2-9级课表.xlsx
- file:940 【磨耳朵】The Finest in the Land (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
- file:636 【正课】Red Planet (2) 双语讲解.mp4
- file:810 【磨耳朵】Victorian Adventure (4) 绘本有声剧.mp4
- file:589 【正课】The Go-kart Race (3) 双语讲解.mp4
- file:436 【正课】A Monster's Mistakes (3) 双语讲解.mp4
- file:852 【磨耳朵】Save Floppy! (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
- file:533 【磨耳朵】Sleeping Beauty(1)绘本有声剧.mp4
- file:524 【正课】Safari Adventure(1)双语讲解.mp4
- file:307【磨耳朵】Wet Paint (2).mp4
- file:377【磨耳朵】An Important Case (1) .mp4
- file:365【磨耳朵】Everyone Got Wet (1) .mp4
- file:310【磨耳朵】Dad's Jacket (1) .mp4
- file:315【磨耳朵】Stuck in the Mud (2) .mp4
- file:28天L1第三周-worksheet.pdf
- file:1级_28天重点回顾.pdf
- file:1阶wk1.png
- file:28【磨耳朵】Goal!.mp4
- file:12【磨耳朵】One Wheel.mp4
- file:09【磨耳朵】Chip's Robot.mp4
- file:05【磨耳朵】Look After Me.mp4
- file:08【磨耳朵】The Box of Treasure.mp4
- file:06【磨耳朵】Presents for Dad.mp4
- file:23【磨耳朵】The Headache.mp4
- file:29【磨耳朵】the journey.mp3
- file:18【磨耳朵】see me skip.mp3
- file:14【磨耳朵】can you see me.mp3
- file:32【磨耳朵】go away, cat.mp3
- file:30【磨耳朵】making faces.mp3
- file:07【磨耳朵】what dogs like.mp3
- file:03【磨耳朵】kipper's diary.mp3
- file:13【磨耳朵】the sandcastle.mp3
- file:11【正课】Hook a Duck-双语讲解.mp4
- file:10【正课】Floppy's Bone-双语讲解_.mp4
- file:16【正课】the ice cream-双语讲解.mp3
- file:25【正课】push!-双语讲解.mp3
- file:童谣08【外教视频课】山上一口井,一起打水去.mp4
- file:童谣04【慢速学唱课】Wash The Dishes 洗洗碗盘,擦擦碗盘.m4a
- file:童谣04【磨耳朵福利】常速聆听碗盘刷刷歌.m4a
- file:童谣02【慢速学唱课】Shoo Fly 嘘,苍蝇,不要来烦我.m4a
- file:童谣05【慢速学唱课】Rain On The Green Grass 雨落在青青草地上.m4a
- file:童谣06【慢速纯伴奏】Warm Hands Warm 宝贝自己唱.m4a
- file:童谣02【文化彩蛋课】你吃过能赶走苍蝇的派吗?.m4a
- file:【大咖推荐】孙瑞玲:英语启蒙第一步,从鹅妈妈童谣开始.m4a
- file:【大咖推荐】吴敏兰:鹅妈妈童谣,为孩子打开听英文的耳朵.m4a
- file:童谣07【常速纯伴奏】Boys And Girls Come Out To Play 宝贝自己唱.m4a
- file:4-27 The Den.pdf
- file:4-05 Mosque School.pdf
- file:4-24 Everyone Got Wet.pdf
- file:4-04 Yasmin's Dress.pdf
- file:4-15 Poor Old Mum.pdf
- file:4-26 Stuck in the Mud.pdf
- file:4-06 Adam Goes Shopping.pdf
- file:4-07 House for Sale.pdf
- file:4-21 The Flying Elephant .pdf
- file:5-20 The Adventure Park.pdf
- file:5-17 A New Classroom.pdf
- file:5-12 A Monster Mistake.pdf
- file:5-14 Camping Adventure.pdf
- file:5-10 It's Not Fair.pdf
- file:5-09 Vanishing Cream.pdf
- file:5-21 Kipper and the Trolls.pdf
- file:5-15 Scarecrows.pdf
- file:5-18 Mum to the Rescue.pdf
- file:6-21 Don't Be Silly.pdf
- file:6-04 Land of the Dinosaurs.pdf
- file:6-20 Mirror Island.pdf
- file:6-09 The laughing Princess.pdf
- file:7-05 The Willow Pattern Plot.pdf
- file:7-01 Red Planet.pdf
- file:7-19 The Joke Machine.pdf
- file:8-05 A Day in London.pdf
- file:8-01 The Kidnappers.pdf
- file:8-10 What was it like.pdf
- file:8-09 Save Floppy!.pdf
- file:1-36 Go Away,Cat.pdf
- file:1-15 six_in_a_bed.pdf
- file:1-05 The Lost Teddy(无字书).pdf
- file:1-23 Up You Go.pdf
- file:1-28 Reds and blues.pdf
- file:1-14 floppy_floppy.pdf
- file:3-25 Midge in Hospital.pdf
- file:3-22 Bull's-eye!.pdf
- file:3-14 Srawberry Jam.pdf
- file:3-30 Pip and the Little Monkey.pdf
- file:3-02 Sniff.pdf
- file:3-09 Nobody Wanted to Play.pdf
- file:2-23 A present for Mum.pdf
- file:2-28 Naughty Children.pdf
- file:2-10 Kipper's Balloon.pdf
- file:2-14 The Wobbly Tooth.pdf
- file:2-26 Hey Presto!.pdf
- file:9-02 Storm Castle.pdf
- file:232【正课】Bull's-eye! (1) 双语讲解.mp4
- file:222【磨耳朵】Strawberry Jam (2) .mp4
- file:240【正课】At the Pool (1) 双语讲解.mp4
- file:042【磨耳朵】What a Bad Dog! (1) .mp4
- folder:童老师双语精讲《牛津阅读树》
- folder:02.牛津阅读树2-9级
- folder:【赠课】鹅妈妈童谣精讲
- folder:【Pdf】1-9级
- folder:2-9级资料
- folder:5阶
- folder:1级worksheet
- folder:磨耳朵牛津树1级
- folder:级别 (4)
- folder:200-271
- folder:week 2
- folder:Level3(14-21)
- folder:LEVEL 6(44-52)
分享时间 | 2025-01-01 |
入库时间 | 2025-01-02 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 安宁*云雀 |