李靖瑜新思维词汇速记与应用夸克网盘资源_网盘资源_夸克网盘资源搜索_全盘搜 file:语法课L2上.mp4 file:词汇《入学须知》.pdf file:1_《新思维词汇速记》讲义.pdf file:词汇20000词频教材.xlsx file:4000 Essential English Words 2.mp4 file:16. 元音 (ɔɪ).mp4 file:00. 前言介绍.mp4 file:How the Steel Was Tempered 【钢铁是怎样炼成的】.pdf file:Sometimes a Great Notion【永不让步】.pdf file:The Metamorphosis【变形记】.pdf file:The Birds' Christmas Carol【鸟儿的圣诞颂歌】.pdf file:Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother【虎妈战歌】.pdf file:The Red and the Black【红与黑】.pdf file:And Quiet Flows Don【静静的顿河】.pdf file:When We Were Orphans【我辈孤雏】.pdf file:Love in a Fallen City【倾城之恋】.pdf file:White Fang【白牙】.pdf file:The Invisible Man【隐形人】.pdf file:Camille【茶花女】.pdf file:Million Dollar Habits【价值百万的习惯】.pdf file:The Watch series【守夜人系列】1.pdf file:The divine Comedy【神曲】.pdf file:The Man of Property【有产业的人】.pdf file:The Horse Whisperer【马语者】.pdf file:Look Homeward, Angel【天使望故乡】.pdf file:Life of Pi【少年派的奇幻漂流】.pdf file:The Sun Also Rises【太阳照样升起】.pdf file:Oliver Twist 【雾都孤儿】.pdf file:The Master and Margarita【大师和玛格丽特】.pdf file:Gary Althen-American Ways_ A Guide for Foreigners in the United States.pdf file:War and Peace [战争与和平].pdf file:My Brilliant Career【我的璀璨生涯】.pdf file:Timescape【时间轴】.pdf file:Complete Original Short Stories of Guy De Maupassant【莫泊桑短篇小说选】.pdf file:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer【汤姆·索亚历险记】.pdf file:Journey to the Center of the Earth 【地心游记】.pdf file:Arrowsmith【阿罗史密斯】.pdf file:Anna Karenina【安娜·卡列尼娜】.pdf file:Lord Jim【吉姆老爷】.pdf file:A Room With a View【看得见风景的房间】.pdf file:Bridget Jones's Diary【BJ单身日记】.pdf file:Main Street【大街】.pdf file:Mother【母亲】.pdf file:Memoirs Of A Geisha 【艺伎回忆录】.pdf file:Moll Flanders【摩尔·弗兰德斯】.pdf file:Forrest Gump 【阿甘正传】.pdf file:Ivanhoe【艾凡赫】.pdf file:Little Dorrit【小杜丽】.pdf file:I Captured the Castle【我的秘密城堡】.pdf file:Daisy Miller【黛茜·米勒】.pdf file:Cities in Flight【飞行都市】.pdf file:Jurassic Park【侏罗纪公园】.pdf file:Animal Farm【动物庄园】.pdf file:Dracula 【吸血鬼伯爵德古拉】.pdf file:Just One Look【死亡印记】.pdf folder:李靖瑜新思维词汇速记与应用 folder:05.分级读物(完结) folder:电子教材 folder:4000单词视频 folder:思维导图(完结) folder:BBC经典发音教程 folder:正课20000词(更新中) folder:1-100思维导图 folder:42 超高频词根liber,liver,libr;man,mani,manu;mand folder:105-130 folder:20超高频词根 folder:31 du dou two equ folder:35 flu flux folder:36 form folder:23cid cise close clud clus.mp4 folder:25 center centr cert cern cret cur(e) folder:53 超高频词根part,port;par,per;ped,pod,pus folder:43 超高频词根min,mini;mit,mis,miss folder:39 超高频词根it;jac,jet folder:30 duct don dos dat dow dit folder:72-75节 folder:34 fer fus fund folder:21 cap capt ceiv cept folder:49 超高频词根ply,pli,plic,ple,plex,ploy;oper,opus folder:28 claim clam folder:45 超高频词根mount,mont,min;mag,mega,macro,maj folder:50 超高频词根ple,plet,plen,pli,plish;pon,pos(it) folder:24circu circul circum cyly civi cult folder:41 超高频词根lig,log,leg,lect;log,logue;lev,liev folder:32 fac fact fec fect fic fict folder:38 超高频词根graph,gram;hab,habit,hibit folder:48 超高频词根nat,nasc;nov,neo;pend,pens folder:18 B字母拟声 folder:26 cresc creas creat cre cret clim clin folder:29 dic dict folder:Twilight(暮光之城)系列 folder:House of Night夜之屋系列(1-7) folder:The Once and Future King(曾经和永恒之王)(1-4) folder:Harry Potter【哈利波特1-7全集】 folder:The Vampire Diaries(吸血鬼日记)系列(1-6) 分享时间 2025-03-06 入库时间 2025-03-11 状态检测 有效 资源类型 QUARK 分享用户 魁梧*爆米花 资源有问题?点此举报 链接 跳转 分享