跨境电商亚马逊培训资料+FB营销推广资料+亚马逊课程资料夸克网盘资源_网盘资源_夸克网盘资源搜索_全盘搜 file:search(1).png file:19.FBA操作流程讲解.flv file:24.分类审核概念讲解.flv file:26.如何用条码打印机打印FBA产品标签?— Postek C168为例.flv file:9.Add A Product单个产品上传.flv file:7.如何选品之创蓝选品思路分享.flv.flv file:5.亚马逊后台Setting下其他按钮设置.flv file:14.变体批量上传1 — 上半部分.flv file:17.订单Order发货讲解.flv file:20.FBA库存管理(Manage FBA Inventory)及产品评测.flv file:23.创建促销设置一次性优惠码-(Promo Code) 【新】.flv file:6.亚马逊后台Account Info设置指导.flv file:21.点击付费PPC操作指导.flv file:10.跟卖.flv file:25.分类审核(服装类别)申请提交流程.flv file:3.账户表现Performance讲解.flv file:12.批量上传概念讲解 — Part 1.flv file:16.如何增加变体中的子产品.flv file:11.防止跟卖 & 避免 Confirm Orders Prior to Shipping.flv file:2.亚马逊美国站点注册.flv file:8.Manage Inventory界面详解.flv file:16.如何增加变体中的子产品-VIP视频课程-11.15号.mp4 file:13.批量上传实操讲解 — Part 2-VIP视频课程-11.6号.mp4 file:9.Add A Product单个产品上传-VIP视频课程-10.22号.mp4 file:3.账户表现Performance讲解-VIP视频课程-10.2号.mp4 file:5.亚马逊后台Setting下其他按钮设置-VIP视频课程-10.12号.mp4 file:25.分类审核(服装类别)申请提交流程-VIP视频课程-11.24号.mp4 file:第三节 FBA详解2.mp4 file:AM培训视频—第22期第01节:亚马逊账号注册要点,产品上架和跟卖 - 3.mp4 file:第四节:批量上传,变体,促销1.mp4 file:05. Changing your logo and cover image.srt file:06. Choosing a web address for your page.srt file:03. Creating a page.srt file:02. Developing an asset package.srt file:04. Filling out your page information.mp4 file:07. Publishing your page.mp4 file:03. Facebook profiles vs. Facebook pages.srt file:01. Exploring Facebook for business.mp4 file:02. Understanding Facebook terminology.mp4 file:04. Using third-party services for Facebook.mp4 file:02. Sharing to your page via mobile devices.mp4 file:03. Using messages on mobile devices.srt file:01. Exploring the Facebook Pages Manager app.srt file:01. Inviting friends to like your page.srt file:03. Sharing your page to a Facebook profile.srt file:02. Inviting people via email.srt file:07. Sharing your milestones.srt file:02. Sharing photos and video.srt file:01. Posting effective status updates.mp4 file:03. Highlighting and pinning posts.srt file:06. Creating interactive polls.mp4 file:04. Scheduling posts on your page.srt file:09. Working with messages.mp4 file:08. Tagging people in posts.mp4 folder:跨境电商亚马逊培训资料+FB营销推广资料+亚马逊课程资料 folder:亚马逊培训教程 folder:Facebook营销推广视频 folder:VIP教学视频 folder:第三节(FBA详解) folder:第一节(亚马逊账号注册要点 产品上架和跟卖) folder:第四节(如何在原有Listing上增加变体 批量上传 运营技巧 促销) folder:sp_FB视频教程 folder:FB3_FB for Your Business-商业应用 folder:FB2_Up and Running with Fab-入门 folder:2. Building Your Page folder:1. Getting Started folder:8. Extending the Facebook Experience folder:4. Engaging Your Community folder:0. Introduction folder:5. Using Ads and Promoted Posts folder:6. Understanding Insights folder:Ex_Files_Fab_for_Business_FREE folder:7. Adjusting Page Settings folder:7. Exploring Fab Mobile Applications folder:4. Working with the News Feed folder:8. Conclusion folder:2. Learning the Lingo 分享时间 2025-03-04 入库时间 2025-03-18 状态检测 有效 资源类型 QUARK 分享用户 夸父*467 资源有问题?点此举报 链接 跳转 分享