Lisa美语发音课程(内含保罗·格鲁伯的美音教学)夸克网盘资源_网盘资源_夸克网盘资源搜索_全盘搜 file:fly.png file:Lisa美语发音课程总结.docx file:英文字幕的部分课程提示.txt file:s13. Phrase Reductions, Intonation.mp4 file:s03. TH, Voiced T.mp4 file:s09. OW and AE.mp4 file:s05. L.mp4 file:s15b. Reading Passages.mp4 file:s12. Tongue Twisters.mp4 file:The 800 Most Commonly Used Idioms in America.pdf file:s02. Voicing, S and Z.mp4 file:s04. F and V, Sh and Voiced SH.mp4 file:The Complete Training Manual.pdf file:【高阶篇】斯坦福大学Andy美语发音教学.mp4 file:观看帮助.txt file:美语发音规则与技巧(笔记).doc file:发音符号对照表.doc file:3.节奏和语调.mp4 file:4.美国人是如何发音的.mp4 file:1.元音发音规则.mp4 file:第31课(ATE组合的单词).mp4 file:第38课(动词短语的重读规则) .mp4 file:第10课(认识重读元音).mp4 file:第44课(高级技巧介绍) .mp4 file:第36课(怎样重读形容词和名词) .mp4 file:Rule 3. Cop or Cup.avi file:Rule 10. Understanding Reduced Vowels.avi file:Introduction to Vowels.avi file:Rule 7. OU as in Most.avi file:Rule 1. Linking Consonant to Vowel.avi file:Rule 5. Reducing Words Part 2.avi file:Rule 9. Difficult Words.avi file:Rule 10. Relaxed Speech.avi file:Rule 8. Dropped Syllables.avi file:Rule 10. Rules for Stressing Phrasal Verbs.avi file:Rule 8. How to Stress Adjectives and Nouns.avi file:Rule 13. Stress for Special Emphasis.avi file:Rule 7. Focus Words and Thought Groups.avi file:Rule 14. Rising and Falling Intonation.avi file:Rule 12. Abbreviations and Numbers.avi file:Rule 2. Syllables of Verbs and Nouns.avi file:Rule 11. Names of Places and People.avi file:Rule 6. Basics of Stressing the Right Words within Sentences.avi file:Rule 4. Stress Rules for Suffixes.avi file:Rule 8. The S and Z Sounds.avi file:Rule 11. T Followed by N.avi file:Rule 2. Voiced and Voiceless Consonants.avi file:Rule 1. Fully Pronouncing Each Sound.avi folder:Lisa美语发音课程(内含保罗·格鲁伯的美音教学) folder:【中阶篇】Lisa美语发音课程 folder:【初阶篇】保罗·格鲁伯美语发音教学Pronunciation Workshop folder:Lisa美语 folder:Mojsin L - The American Accent Course – 50 Rules You Must Know folder:DVD1. 15 Vowel Sounds of American English folder:DVD3. How Americans Really Talk folder:DVD4. Rhythm and Intonation folder:DVD2. Consonant Sounds folder:元音 folder:节奏和语调 分享时间 2024-11-25 入库时间 2025-03-18 状态检测 有效 资源类型 QUARK 分享用户 夸父*467 资源有问题?点此举报 链接 跳转 分享