英语学习分级读物《牛津书虫全系列 (音频+文稿) 》夸克网盘资源_网盘资源_夸克网盘资源搜索_全盘搜
- file:3 Chapter 3.mp3
- file:02.txt
- file:爱情与金钱.doc
- file:7 Chapter 7.my name.note.rtf
- file:1A_01.爱情与金钱中英对照.pdf
- file:10 The flying island of Laputa.mp3
- file:12 A voyage to the country of the Houyhnhnmes.mp3
- file:02 Life in Lilliput.mp3
- file:06 Gulliver and his master.mp3
- file:04 Gulliver escapes from Lilliput.mp3
- file:07 At the King's palace.mp3
- file:05 A voyage to Brobdingnag.mp3
- file:11 Glubbdubdrib and Luggnagg.mp3
- file:03 Lilliput at war.mp3
- file:4B_02.Gulliver's Travels.PDF
- file:格列佛游记.pdf
- file:08 David's new life.mp3
- file:09 David gets married.mp3
- file:大卫·科波菲尔.pdf
- file:02 David is sent away to school.mp3
- file:David.Copperfield.doc
- file:10 Death and discovery.mp3
- file:07 Good news and bad news for David.mp3
- file:01 David Copperfield's childhood.mp3
- file:弗兰肯斯坦.docx
- file:3A_01.Frankenstein.pdf
- file:07. Queens, Kings, and Princes.WForm
- file:02. Stratford-upon-Avon.my name.note.rtf
- file:12. England will remember.Lrc
- file:01. Toby remembers.my name.note.rtf
- file:05. The plague years.lrc-rtf
- file:04. A new life in London.mp3
- file:03. The actors come to town.WForm
- file:08. A Scottish King for England.WForm
- file:10. Back to Stratford.lrc-rtf
- file:Image10218.gif
- file:23. A voice from the past.mp3
- file:1.Jane eyer.docx
- file:25. Finding Mr Rochester again.mp3
- file:22. Sudden wealth.mp3
- file:20. A new home.mp3
- file:21. Mr Rivers' sacrifice.mp3
- file:24. Returning to Thornfield.mp3
- file:25.mp3
- file:17. The wedding day.mp3
- file:JaneEyre.pdf
- file:08. Getting to know Mr Rochester.mp3
- file:14. Trouble at Gateshead.mp3
- file:11+Hotels+and+tinned+fruit.mp3
- file:10+Our+first+morning.mp3
- file:three.men.in.a.boat.docx
- file:02+We+start+to+make+plans.mp3
- file:16+The+journey+home.mp3
- file:15+On+to+Oxford.mp3
- file:14+Work%2Cwashing%2Cand+fishing.mp3
- file:09+Our+first+night+on+the+boat.mp3
- file:03+We+decide+what+to+take.mp3
- file:04+We+pack.mp3
- file:4A_03.Three Men in a Boat.pdf
- file:13+Harris+and+the+swans.mp3
- file:07+Harris+gets+angry.mp3
- file:08+George+starts+work.mp3
- file:01.A Lonely Child.mp3
- file:07.The Church.mp3
- file:11.Paris.auto.lrc
- file:12.Long Live Love!.mp3
- file:00.The.Love.Of.a.King.mp3
- file:06.The King is Dead! Long Live the King!.WForm
- file:05.Wallis.mp3
- file:04.The Meeting.auto.lrc
- file:一个国王的爱情故事.pdf
- file:02.The Prince of Wales.auto.lrc
- file:2B_11.The Love of a King by Peter Dainty.pdf
- file:charecters.gif
- file:09.The Woman I Love.mp3
- file:06 More Mystery.mp3
- file:03 How Sir Charles Died.mp3
- file:05 Sir Henry Baskerville.mp3
- file:11 Laura Lyons.mp3
- file:4A_01.The Hound of the Baskervilles.pdf
- file:巴斯克维尔猎犬.pdf
- file:08 The Stapletons of Pen House.mp3
- file:09 The Escaped Prisoner.mp3
- file:12 The Man on the Moor.mp3
- file:07 Baskerville Hall.mp3
- file:18 Looking Back.mp3
- file:10 Pip and Herbert talk about love.mp3
- file:13 Planning Magwitch's future and hearing about his past.mp3
- file:14 Pip visits Estella and Miss Havisham again.mp3
- file:02 Catching a convict.mp3
- file:08 Visiting Mr Wemmick and Mr Jaggers.mp3
- file:09 A visit from Joe.mp3
- file:Great.Expectations.docx
- file:15 Shelter for Magwitch.mp3
- file:12 Pip discovers the truth.mp3
- file:03 An opportunity for Pip.mp3
- file:18 The end of Magwitch's story.mp3
- file:4 Food depots.mp3
- file:6 A bad start.mp3
- file:5 A long cold winter.lrc-rtf
- file:9 The end of the race.WForm
- file:1 Two ships.mp3
- file:8 Across the plateau.lrc-rtf
- file:7 Motor sledges and mountains.mp3
- file:1A_08.世界上最冷的地方.txt
- file:17 Mr Lockwood visits Wuthering Heights again.mp3
- file:Wuthering.Heights.docx
- file:15 A trap.mp3
- file:03 Ellen Dean's story--Catherine and Heathcliff as children.mp3
- file:《呼啸山庄》.chm
- file:07 Heathcliff returns.mp3
- file:05 Catherine and Edgar.mp3
- file:16 Cathy becomes a widow.mp3
- file:04 Catherine Earnshaw gets to know the Lintons.mp3
- file:10 The secret paper.mp3
- file:12 A change of clothes.mp3
- file:01 The road to Paris--1775.mp3
- file:04 The Marquis of Evremonde.mp3
- file:新建 Microsoft Word 文档.docx
- file:08 In the hands of the citizens.mp3
- file:06 Stormy years in France.mp3
- file:07 A call for help.mp3
- file:03 A trial in London--1780.mp3
- file:6_04.苔丝.pdf
- file:10 Inside the stockade.mp3
- file:02 Black Dog.mp3
- file:13 A prisoner of the enemy.mp3
- file:15 End of an adventure.mp3
- file:05 I go to Bristol.mp3
- file:06 The ship and its men.mp3
- file:Treasure.Island.doc
- file:01 The old seaman.mp3
- file:12 Israel Hands.mp3
- file:5_02.远离尘嚣书虫版.pdf
- file:05 Bathsheba sends a valentine.mp3
- file:11 Farmer Boldwood becomes desperate.mp3
- file:18 Mr Boldwood's Christmas party.mp3
- file:16 Sergaeant Troy leaves.mp3
- file:5_02.Far From the Madding Crowd.pdf
- file:01 Gabriel Oak falls in love.mp3
- file:08 Bathsheba's sheep in danger.mp3
- file:04 Fanny Robin disappears.mp3
- file:02 Disaster for Gabriel Oak.mp3
- file:12. Nancy keeps an appointment.mp3
- file:6_02.Oliver Twist.pdf
- file:08. After the robbery.mp3
- file:06. Oliver is found again.mp3
- file:05. Oliver's life changes.mp3
- file:09. Oliver starts another life.mp3
- folder:英语学习分级读物《牛津书虫全系列 (音频+文稿) 》
- folder:1.01.上.01.爱情和金钱
- folder:4.12.格列佛游记.Gulliver's Travels
- folder:5.01.大卫·科波菲尔.David.Copperfield
- folder:6.01.简·爱.Jane Eyre
- folder:4.03.三怪客泛舟记.Three Men In A Boat
- folder:2.32.下.11.一个国王的爱情故事.The.Love.Of.a.King
- folder:5.03.远大前程.Great.Expectations
- folder:1.08.上.08.世界上最冷的地方
- folder:5.04.呼啸山庄.Wuthering.Heights
- folder:4.11.双城记.A Tale of Two Ctities
- folder:6.04.苔丝.Tess of The D'Urbervilles
- folder:4.13.金银岛.Treasure Island
- folder:5.02.远离尘嚣.Far.From.The.Madding.Crowd
- folder:6.02.雾都孤儿.Oliver Twist
- folder:4.15.红字.Scarlet.Letter
- folder:1.33.下.10.汤姆索亚历险记
- folder:4.04.三十九级台阶.The Thirty-Nine Steps
- folder:3.02.上.02.野性的呼唤.The.Call.Of.The.Wild
- folder:2.11.上.11.欧·亨利短篇小说集.O.Henry's.Short.Story
- folder:1.29.下.6.白色死亡
- folder:3.07.上.07.神秘及幻想故事集
- folder:3.17.下.17.公正.Justice
- folder:4.18.洛娜·杜恩.Lorna Doone
- folder:0.19.绿眼女子
- folder:4.05.小妇人.Little Women
- folder:2.15.中.3.罗密欧与朱丽叶
- folder:4.02.不平静的坟墓.The Unquiet Grave
- folder:1.14.中.04 恋爱中的幽灵
- folder:3.20.下.20 小镇传奇
- folder:2.33.下.12.亡灵岛.Dead Man's Island
- folder:2.31.下.10.福尔摩斯探案故事
- folder:4.08.织工马南.Silas Mraner
- folder:2.28.下.07.法兰克福的耳环.Ear-Rings.From.Frankfu
- folder:3.15.下.15.星际动物园.The Star Zoo
- folder:1.19.中.09 澳洲罗宾汉—内德·凯利正传(无)
- folder:5.06.理智与情感.Sense.And.Sensibility
- folder:1.26.下.3.奥米茄文件.The.Omega.Files
- folder:3.13.下.13.勃朗特一家的故事.The Bronte Story
- folder:5.07.纯真年代
- folder:1.28.下.5.福尔摩斯和公爵的儿子.Sherlock Holmes And The Duke's Son
- folder:0.24.第15个角色
分享时间 | 2024-12-13 |
入库时间 | 2024-12-15 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 靓丽*太阳 |