- file:Grafixfather Thanking You.jpg
- file:3. Implementing PlayerLogics.mp4
- file:9. Singleton Coding Design Pattern, Serialization of Data, Saving & Loading Theory.srt
- file:1. Class 6 introduction.mp4
- file:7. Implementing EnemyLogics for WeakPoint & Dying.mp4
- file:8. Setting up Collectibles.mp4
- file:13. Checkpoint System, Bug fixes & Outro.srt
- file:12. Saving & Loading Zombies.mp4
- file:2. Setting up Project & Player assets.srt
- file:10. Creating GameManager Singleton.srt
- file:16. Creating a Dialog Window Setting up the Dialog Manager.mp4
- file:9. Creating a Portal Setting up the Teleport Destination.mp4
- file:11. Creating a Portal Creating Distort Portal Shader.srt
- file:15. Creating a Dialog Window Rendering 3D Character to UI Texture & Adding Text.srt
- file:3. Fog.srt
- file:8. Creating a Portal Skybox, Character & Camera Setup.srt
- file:5. Shaders.mp4
- file:17. Creating a Dialog Window Dialog Display Time.srt
- file:6. Post-Processing.mp4
- file:13. Creating a Portal Teleportation.srt
- file:7. Light Probes.mp4
- file:12. Creating a Portal RTTCamera Movement & Rotation.mp4
- file:4. RenderTargetTexture.mp4
- file:14. Creating a Portal Changing SkyBox & Post-Processing Effects.srt
- file:11. Enums PlayerStates.mp4
- file:4. Click Visualization.mp4
- file:3. NavMesh baking & NavMesh agent.mp4
- file:9. Animator.srt
- file:10. Raycasting GameObject to GameObject.mp4
- file:6. Importing 3D Models.mp4
- file:12. Applying Damage & Outro.mp4
- file:5. Camera Movement.mp4
- file:7. Animation Timeline.mp4
- file:2. Raycasting Camera to Mouse Position.mp4
- file:18. Minor improvements & Outro.mp4
- file:17. Additional Features Footstep Sound Effects.srt
- file:4. Setting up Unity for Source Control, Creating a .gitignore file, Commit, Push &.mp4
- file:10. Weapon Recoil.mp4
- file:6. Creating a First Person Camera.srt
- file:3. Source Control, SourceTree & BitBucket, Creating a Repository.mp4
- file:9. Inverse Kinematics (IK).srt
- file:14. Additional Features Displaying Ammo Count in UI.mp4
- file:11. Shoot Effects.mp4
- file:2. Team Collaboration.mp4
- file:12. Bullet Impact.mp4
- file:3. Enemy States & Enums.mp4
- file:4. NavMesh Baking.mp4
- file:10. Extra Features & Outro.mp4
- file:7. AI Range & Radius Checking.mp4
- file:2. Canvas UI Health.srt
- file:8. Damage to Player.srt
- file:6. Setting up AI Patrolling behaviour.mp4
- file:3. Downloading and installing Unity.mp4
- file:2. Personal & Unity Introduction Video.srt
- file:4. Summer Course Result Compilation Video.mp4
- file:1. Unity Course Projects Overview.mp4
- file:13. Ammo Crates, refilling Ammo & Accessing other Classes.srt
- file:8. Rotating & Shooting Bullets.mp4
- file:11. Destructible Targets & Applying Textures to Materials.mp4
- file:15. Adding New Weapons & Outro.srt
- file:10. Canvas UI & Ammo Visualization.srt
- file:12. Playing Gun Shot & Gun Empty Sounds.srt
- file:6. Creating Gun Prefab & Setting up Bullet Spawn.mp4
- file:2. Parenting objects in Scene Hierarchy.mp4
- file:9. Shot Cooldown & Ammo Count.mp4
- file:14. ADVANCED Equipping and unequipping weapons.srt
- file:5. Creating Bullet Prefab.srt
- file:3. 2D movement - 3D movement & Rotate towards Movement Direction.mp4
- file:12. Creating a Top Down MP Shooter Player Rotation & Animation Logics.mp4
- file:13. Creating a Top Down MP Shooter Weapon Setup.srt
- file:10. Basic Multiplayer Networking Synchronizing Sphere using NetworkTransformChild.mp4
- file:3. NetworkManager, NetworkManagerHUD, NetworkBehaviour, NetworkIdentity.mp4
- file:2. UNet Deprication & Server Client Model.srt
- file:9. Basic Multiplayer Networking Casting Sphere Logic Implementation.srt
- file:15. Creating a Top Down MP Shooter Adding Extra Players & Player Death.srt
- file:25. Creating a Top Down MP Shooter Synchronizing Reloading & Shooting Animations.srt
- file:7. Basic Multiplayer Networking Creating a Multiplayer game using NetworkManager.srt
- file:7. CharacterController & Creating an Interactive Character, Time.deltaTime.srt
- file:8. CharacterController & Jumping logics.mp4
- file:1. Class 1 introduction & Unity User Interface.mp4
- file:6. Rigidbody Triggers.srt
- file:10. Audio & Importing Custom Assets.mp4
- file:5. Rigidbody Collisions & AddForce.mp4
- file:3. C#, Variables, Functions & Code grouping.srt
- file:10.1 All C# Scripts used in Class 1-3..html
- file:4. Creating & executing scripts in Unity.mp4
- file:2. Lighting.srt
- file:11. Enemy AI & Logics.srt
- file:13. Advanced Extra Features - Adding Health UI.srt
- file:3. 2D Movement using Rigidbody2D.srt
- file:18. Entity Component System Theory.srt
- file:9. 2D Triggers & Collisions setup for Attack Animations.mp4
- file:17. Unity Services.srt
- file:10. Import & Setup Enemy.srt
- file:8. Implementing AttackBehaviour & Completing Attack Animation Setup.mp4
- file:2. Creating a Unity2D Project & Setting up a Spritesheet.srt
- file:16. Profiler & Performance Optimization.srt
- file:19. Course Outro.srt
- file:5. EditorWindow & Renaming Objects Example.mp4
- file:4. MenuItem & PlayerPrefs Example.mp4
- file:12. ADVANCED Procedural Generation Spawn System Selection & Outro.mp4
- file:6. Procedural Generation Setup Position & Spawning Objects.mp4
- file:3. CustomEditor & CubeLogic Extra Features.srt
- file:15. Optimization, Bug Fixes & Outro.mp4
- file:9. Particle Emitter Settings & Fireball VFX Setup.mp4
- file:7. Implementing Casting Fireball Behaviour & Animation.srt
- file:10. Fireball Collisions & Explosion VFX.mp4
- file:3. Creating the Scene & PlayerLogic.mp4
- file:6. Updating PlayerLogics to support animations & Face towards walk direction.srt
- file:5. Downloading & Setting up Player Model & Animations.srt
- file:14. Implementing UI Manager & Events.srt
- file:2. Project Settings - Input, Setting up Keyboard & Xbox Controller Input.mp4
- file:8. Spawning a basic Fireball.mp4
- file:13. Events, Delegates & UI Setup.srt
- file:12. Player Respawn Logics.mp4
- file:11. Player Death Animation.srt
- file:6. Reading Localization Data in code.srt
- file:10. ADVANCED UI Manager State Transition to Options Menu.srt
- file:5. Loading XML Files in code.mp4
- file:8. Building .exe, Loading Scenes & Quitting.mp4
- file:3. Button OnClicked Logics.mp4
- file:7. Setting up Text fields for Localization.mp4
- file:4. XML Data, Localization Data & Localization Files setup.srt
- file:2. Main Menu Setup.srt
- file:9. ADVANCED UI Selection.srt
- file:12. Inverse Kinematics (IK) Feet IK core implementation.srt
- file:16. ADVANCED Aiming Camera & Outro.srt
- file:3. Setting up Animator Controller & Animation Blend State.srt
- file:15. ADVANCED Impact Marking Code implementation.srt
- file:4. Setting up Weapon & Fixing Strafe Right Animation.srt
- file:10. Advanced Animations code implementation.mp4
- file:7. WeaponLogics Raycasting for Impact Position.mp4
- file:8. WeaponLogics Shooting logics.srt
- file:5. Aiming & Bone Rotations.srt
- file:6. WeaponLogics Weapon Line Renderer.mp4
- file:3. Advanced Multiplayer Networking Scene & Player Setup.mp4
- file:12. Creating a MP First Person Shooter Synchronizing Player Health & Death.mp4
- file:2. Mirror, Multiplayer Cameras, NetworkAnimator, [Command], [ClientRpc], SyncVar.srt
- file:17. Creating a MP First Person Shooter Adding Gravity & Setting up Scene.srt
- file:8. Importing & Setting up the Character.mp4
- file:2. Third Person Camera & Scene Setup.mp4
- file:13. ADVANCED Contextual Sound implementation using Raycasting.mp4
- file:14. Player turning towards Camera Direction & Outro.srt
- file:7. Downloading Model & Animation Assets using Mixamo.srt
- file:10. Setting up Animation Events in Editor.srt
- file:12. ADVANCED Contextual Sound Theory & Scene Setup.srt
- file:6. Camera LookAt & Camera Zooming.srt
- file:11. Implementing Animation Events in code.mp4
- folder:Udemy优达Unity游戏开发大师课
- folder:7. CLASS 6 Saving & Loading using PlayerPrefs
- folder:12. CLASS 11 Advanced Visuals
- folder:5. CLASS 4 Raycasting, Animation timeline & Animator
- folder:13. CLASS 12 Source Control & Creating a FPS game
- folder:4. CLASS 3 AI Behaviour & Navigation
- folder:1. Introduction
- folder:3. CLASS 2 Creating a Top Down Shooter
- folder:14. CLASS 13 Multiplayer Networking
- folder:16. CLASS 15 Unity2D & Advanced Unity Features
- folder:11. CLASS 10 Unity Editor Extensions
- folder:8. CLASS 7 Controller Input, Local Multiplayer & VFX
- folder:9. CLASS 8 UI, XML, Localization, Scene Load & Build .exe
分享时间 | 2024-12-16 |
入库时间 | 2024-12-20 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 轻松*在的蓝莓 |