- file:重要说明.txt
- file:cover.png
- file:9999T网盘资源精选集合.xlsx
- file:牛津树4-3 Dragon Danger讲解互动版.mp3
- file:牛津树2-12 A Yak at the Picnic 讲解互动版.mp3
- file:牛津树2-4 The Snowman 朗读版.mp3
- file:牛津树4-1 Missing朗读版.mp3
- file:牛津树3-3 Poor Old Rabbit 朗读版.mp3
- file:牛津树6-4 Hairy Scary Monster 讲解互动版.mp3
- file:牛津树5-1 Hungry Floppy 讲解互动版.mp3
- file:牛津树3-2 Floppy And The Bone 朗读版.mp3
- file:牛津树5-5 Egg Fried Rice 朗读版.mp3
- file:牛津树5-2 Looking After Gran 讲解互动版.mp3
- file:第31讲:读绘本时怎样跟孩子互动?.mp3
- file:第39讲:8个方法,让孩子喜欢上说英语.mp3
- file:第29讲:读英文绘本需要翻译吗?.mp3
- file:第30讲:怎样朗读英文绘本?.mp3
- file:第22讲:选择什么样的儿歌,启蒙更高效?.mp3
- file:第26课:儿歌启蒙实例-Hey Diddle Diddle+Jack Sprat.mp3
- file:第17讲: 什么样的外教是好外教?.mp3
- file:第20讲:海量启蒙资源怎么用更有效?.mp3
- file:第27讲:亲子英文阅读要注意什么.mp3
- file:第13讲:英语启蒙中,怎样纠正孩子的错误更好?.mp3
- file:第37讲:掌握日常短句,轻松和孩子对话.mp3
- file:第18讲:自然拼读有必要学吗?.mp3
- file:第44讲:自创英文游戏更好玩.mp3
- file:第21讲:用儿歌做英语启蒙好在哪?.mp3
- file:第35讲:英语启蒙的日常对话怎么说?.mp3
- file:第42讲:亲子游戏玩出英语能力.mp3
- file:第41讲:原版动画片看什么,怎么看?.mp3
- file:第36讲:日常对话从哪儿开始?.mp3
- file:第19讲:在家如何引导孩子学phonics?.mp3
- file:【附赠课14】故事-Corduroy.mp3
- file:第45讲:一石二鸟的学习类游戏.mp3
- file:三阶书单.jpg
- file:开营讲座-分享.mp3
- file:儿歌 Did You Ever See A Lassie.mp3
- file:儿歌 Five Little Ducks.mp3
- file:一首关于父爱的歌-Butterfly Flyaway.mp3
- file:44-扬基歌-Yankee Doodle.mp3
- file:今年最动人的电影主题歌-Remember Me.mp3
- file:Emma自编儿歌—Apple apple.mp3
- file:儿歌-A Bicycle Built for Two.mp3
- file:儿歌 She_ll be coming round the mountain.mp3
- file:儿歌-Jingle Bells.mp3
- file:儿歌 Farmer in the Dell.mp3
- file:儿歌 Spring Is A-coming.mp3
- file:Loch Lomond.mp3
- file:儿歌 Suzy Snowflake.mp3
- file:儿歌 Click Go the Shears.mp3
- file:万圣节儿歌-Trick Or Treat.mp3
- file:儿歌-Muffin Man.mp3
- file:儿歌-It_s Raining It_s Pouring.mp3
- file:(自编儿歌) Snowflakes, Snowflakes Is It Enough.mp3
- file:儿歌 Animal Fair.mp3
- file:儿歌 the more we get together (1).mp3
- file:儿歌 A Sailor Went to Sea Sea Sea.mp3
- file:儿歌-Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush.mp3
- file:儿歌-Hokey Pokey 带伴奏哦!.mp3
- file:英文儿歌 The Itsy Bitsy Spider.mp3
- file:儿歌-Apples and Bananas.mp3
- file:儿歌 Row Row Row Your Boat.mp3
- file:儿歌 Oh Dear What Can The Matter Be.mp3
- file:二阶拓展书单.pdf
- file:二阶第二个月手工材料.pdf
- file:05-03-对话-Let's race.mp3
- file:04-08-分级读物-Where is my school.mp3
- file:02-02-儿歌-Feeling songs.mp3
- file:03-03-对话-Can we be friends.mp3
- file:02-08-分级读物朗读版-Rat-a-tat-tat.mp3
- file:01-02-日常对话Lost and found.mp3
- file:01-06-分级读物It was a cold dark night.mp3
- file:04-03-日常对话-Draw me a dinosaur.mp3
- file:03-08-分级读物-Lights.mp3
- file:04-04-绘本精读-The dot.mp3
- file:09-03-日常对话短版-Picky eater.mp3
- file:08-04-精读绘本-Oh, the thinks you can think.mp3
- file:02-06-泛读绘本朗读版-How do you feel.mp3
- file:12-02-儿歌纯享Had a little rooster.mp3
- file:07-06-泛读绘本原版音频-Joseph Had a Little Overcoat.mp3
- file:12-08-分级读物朗读版-Growing and changing.mp3
- file:03-04-精读绘本-Little blue and little yellow.mp3
- file:10-06-泛读绘本朗读-The little red hen.mp3
- file:02-04-绘本-When Sophie gets angry, really,really angry.mp3
- file:11-06-泛读绘本朗读Someday.mp3
- file:10-03-日常对话短版-Where's my teddy.mp3
- file:01-05-绘本泛读How to catch a star.mp3
- file:泛读 The Runaway Bunny 电子版.pdf
- file:03-儿歌纯享-The School Rules song.mp3
- file:07-儿歌纯享-No One Like Me.mp3
- file:04-儿歌试着唱-How Much is That Doggie in the Window.mp3
- file:01-儿歌纯享-Hide and seek.mp3
- file:09-儿歌纯享-Fish Song.mp3
- file:05-儿歌试着唱纯享版-Animals on the Farm.mp3
- file:12-儿歌唱诵-Animal Phonics Song.mp3
- file:11-儿歌纯享-Rain, Rain,Go Away.mp3
- file:04-日常对话短版-Can We Keep a Puppy?.mp3
- file:03-日常对话短版-Follow the Rules.mp3
- file:05-日常对话短版-Riding a Bike.mp3
- file:07-日常对话短版-You Wear Me Out.mp3
- file:09-日常对话短版-What do you know about fish?.mp3
- file:11-日常对话短版-It's Raining.mp3
- file:08-对话短版-I Love Dinosaurs.mp3
- file:10-日常对话短版-Let's have a tea party!.mp3
- file:01-精读绘本原版朗读-What Game Shall We Play.mp3
- file:04-听绘本音频.mp3
- file:10-绘本音频-The Tiger Who Came to Tea.mp3
- file:07-绘本音频-Olivia奥莉薇.mp3
- file:09-原版绘本音频-Fish is Fish.mp3
- file:02-绘本朗读-Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me.mp3
- file:08-绘本音频-If the Dinosaurs Came Back.mp3
- file:11-原版音频-Mushroom in the Rain.mp3
- file:10-绘本朗读The Doorbell Rang.mp3
- file:12-听绘本音频-Kipper's A to Z.mp3
- file:11-原版故事-Whistle for Willie.mp3
- file:12-绘本朗读读-Dr. Seuss's ABC.mp3
- file:03-绘本音频-Miss Nelson is Missing.mp3
- file:06-泛读绘本音频-Where the Wild Things Are.mp3
- file:02-绘本朗读 Slowly, Slowly, Slowly, Said the Sloth.mp3
- file:08-绘本原版音频-Animals should definitely not wear clothing.mp3
- file:05-原版音频-Willy the Champ.mp3
- file:09-绘本朗读-A Colour Of His Own.mp3
- file:05- 原版朗读-Duck on a Bike.mp3
- file:04-原版音频-Caps for Sales.mp3
- file:07-绘本朗读-Who Took The Farmer's Hat.mp3
- file:06-绘本朗读音频-Alicia Has a Bad Day.mp3
- file:02-亲子对话-吃早饭.mp3
- file:01-课程讲义.jpg
- file:05-打卡精句总结.png
- file:美国家庭万用亲子英文英语8000句.pdf
- file:04-彩蛋.MP4
- file:启蒙陪伴营 拓展建议(供学有余力的家长参考).pdf
- file:7-12周打卡涂色卡.jpg
- file:02-分级阅读讲解-Let's build a rocket.wav
- file:04-Crossword puzzle拼字游戏.mp4
- file:03-Goldilocks纸偶游戏.mp4
- file:05-复习儿歌纯享-Goldilocks songs.wav
- file:02-绘本动画-Goldilocks and three bears.mp4
- file:03-日常对话短版-Table manners.wav
- file:03-泛读绘本电子版 Some Day.pdf
- file:09-晓华讲堂.wav
- file:05-儿歌Did you ever see a penguin纯享版.wav
- file:04-日常对话视频-袜子手偶sock puppets.mov
- file:03-Lost and found puppet游戏手工视频.mov
- file:04-绘本精读原版音频Lost and Found(1).wav
- file:03儿歌动画版.mov
- file:05-复习儿歌-Try again.wav
- file:03-Reading dice 掷骰子朗读游戏.mp4
- file:05-泛读绘本-Leo the late bloomer.wav
- file:03-对话-Can I try it.wav
- file:07-分级读物-The helper bird.wav
- file:08-跟读测评第五章.png
- folder:晓华亲子英语课程合集
- folder:06.【完结】跟着晓华读“牛津树”
- folder:07.【完结】让孩子轻松说出地道英语
- folder:02.【完结】二阶
- folder:08.【完结】晓华万用亲子英文35天精华课
- folder:05.【完结】晓华亲子英语-英文儿歌轻松唱
- folder:二阶日签
- folder:启蒙营2阶资料
- folder:3阶-第11周-主题:Goldilocks and the three bears
- folder:【晓华亲子英语】第三阶段资料包
- folder:3阶-第01周-主题:Lost and fund
- folder:3阶-第10周-主题:Where's my teddy
- folder:3阶-第05周-主题:The gingerbread man
- folder:3阶-第12周-主题:Clic clack moo,cows that type
- folder:三阶音频(倾听者专用)
- folder:3阶-第09周-主题:I will never not ever eat a tomato
- folder:3阶-第07周-主题:If you give a mouse a cookie
- folder:1阶-第02周-主题:Dear Zoo
- folder:02-手工材料包+拓展阅读
- folder:1阶-第12周-主题:Chika chika boom boom
- folder:1阶-第04周-主题:Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
- folder:1阶-第03周-主题:Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar
- folder:1阶-第11周-主题:My very first book of motion
- folder:01-一阶书单+绘本扫描pdf版
- folder:1阶-第05周-主题:Brush brush brush
- folder:1阶-第09周-主题:All by myself (泛读littler critter -first day of school)
- folder:1阶-第01周-主题:Where is the green sheep
- folder:4阶日常对话汇总
- folder:4阶-第03周-主题:Miss Nelson is missing
- folder:4阶-第06周-主题:Alicia had a Bad a Day
- folder:4阶-第05周-主题:Duck on a Bike
- folder:4阶-第02周-主题:Papa,please get the Moon for me
- folder:4阶-第01周-主题:What Game Shall We Play
- folder:4阶-第11周-主题:Mushroom In The Rain71-77
- folder:4阶-第08周-主题:If the dinosaurs came back
- folder:4阶-第12周-主题:Kipper's a to z78-84
- folder:Day05-吃早饭
- folder:赠:课程书籍-音频-美国家庭亲子英语
- folder:启蒙陪伴营二阶 第3个月资料包
- folder:2阶-第09周-主题-There was an old lady who swallowed a fly
- folder:2阶-第03周-主题-Henny penny
- folder:2阶-第02周-主题-I want my hat back
- folder:2阶-第01周-主题-I like books
- folder:2阶-第10周-主题-Just a little music
- folder:2阶-第08周-主题-Llama llama misses mama
- folder:2阶-第06周-主题-Clifford's family
- folder:2阶-第05周-主题-The pigeon finds a hotdog
- folder:2阶-第11周-主题- Harry the dirty dog
- folder:Day6-游戏+泛读
- folder:week09 All By Myself
- folder:week12 Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom
- folder:week06 The Eye Book
- folder:week07 A Bear-y Tale
- folder:week08 Go, Dog, Go!
- folder:week10 I am a Bunny
- folder:书籍CD音频
- folder:02-45段对话整理版
- folder:12 Silly Sally
- folder:9 There Was an Old Lady
- folder:1 I Like Books
- folder:4 Time for Bed
- folder:7 Piggybook
- folder:6 Knuffle Bunny
- folder:8 Oh, The Thinks You Can Think!
- folder:3 Little Blue and Little Yellow
分享时间 | 2024-12-17 |
入库时间 | 2024-12-22 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 夸父*源15 |