- file:Python网络数据采集.jpg
- file:Website Scraping with Python.pdf
- file:Python爬虫开发与项目实战.azw3
- file:用Python写网络爬虫.pdf
- file:精通Python网络爬虫:核心技术、框架与项目实战.jpg
- file:有趣的统计:75招学会数据分析.pdf
- file:干净的数据:数据清洗入门与实践.jpg
- file:数据分析实战.jpg
- file:精益数据分析.pdf
- file:Real-Time Big Data Analytics_ Emerging Architecture.jpg
- file:Python数据科学手册.Python Data Science Handbook.jpg
- file:Practical Web Scraping for Data Science.jpg
- file:Python数据挖掘入门与实践.pdf
- file:Programmer's Guide to Data Mining The Ancient Art of the Numerati, A.pdf
- file:KB – Data Mining with Python sources.jpg
- file:Data Analysis and Visualization Using Python.jpg
- file:Mining of Massive Datasets.jpg
- file:Social Media Mining_ An Introduction.jpg
- file:数据挖掘.概念与技术.原书第3版.jpg
- file:Applied Predictive Modeling.jpg
- file:Data Science for Business.pdf
- file:Thinking in Pandas.pdf
- file:Redis实战.pdf
- file:网络爬虫-Python和数据分析.pdf
- file:MapReduce-book-final.jpg
- file:Understanding the Chief Data Officer.jpg
- file:Foundations of Data Science.pdf
- file:数据科学入门.pdf
- file:命令行中的数据科学.jpg
- file:Kafka权威指南.jpg
- file:Python Data Visualization Cookbook.pdf
- file:Practical Python Data Visualization.pdf
- file:深入学习mongodb.jpg
- file:Hadoop数据分析.jpg
- file:MySQL必知必会.jpg
- file:高性能MYSQL.jpg
- file:MySQL与MariaDB学习指南.pdf
- file:Practical Data Science with Python.jpg
- file:数据可视化实战:使用D3设计交互式图表.jpg
- file:鲜活的数据:数据可视化指南.pdf
- file:Hybrid Imaging and Visualization.jpg
- file:R语言数据可视化之美:专业图表绘制指南.全彩.pdf
- file:Spark高级数据分析.第2版.pdf
- file:NumPy攻略:Python科学计算与数据分析.pdf
- file:Python数据分析基础教程:NumPy学习指南.第2版.pdf
- file:利用 Python 进行数据分析.第二版.Python for Data Analysis.pdf
- file:Python for Data Analysis.2nd Edition.pdf
- file:Advanced Data Analytics Using Python.jpg
- file:Hands-on Time Series Analysis with Python.jpg
- file:Python Data Analysts Toolkit, A.jpg
- file:Python Data Analytics-With Pandas NumPy and Matplotlib.jpg
- file:SQL基础教程.第2版.jpg
- file:深入NoSQL.pdf
- file:SQL必知必会.第4版.pdf
- file:SQL反模式.pdf
- folder:数据科学
- folder:Python, Scraping
- folder:DataAnalysis
- folder:DataMining, Python
- folder:DataAnalysis, Python, Visualization
- folder:DataScience, Modeling
- folder:Business, DataScience
- folder:DataBase, Redis
- folder:DataAnalysis, DataBase, Hadoop
- folder:Visualization
分享时间 | 2025-01-04 |
入库时间 | 2025-01-05 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 舒畅*猕猴桃 |