《TED-Ed 科普动画》系列合集夸克网盘资源_网盘资源_夸克网盘资源搜索_全盘搜
- file:Who decides how long a second is - John Kitching.en.srt
- file:Who owns the wilderness - Elyse Cox.en.srt
- file:Why didn’t this 2,000 year old body decompose - Carolyn Marshall.en.srt
- file:Who was the world's first author - Soraya Field Fiorio.en.srt
- file:Why are earthquakes so hard to predict - Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl.en.srt
- file:What-s so special about Viking ships - Jan Bill.mp4
- file:What’s a squillo- and why do opera singers need it - Ming Luke.mp4
- file:What “Machiavellian” really means - Pazit Cahlon and Alex Gendler.mp4
- file:What yoga does to your body and brain - Krishna Sudhir.mp4
- file:What really happened during the Salem Witch Trials - Brian A. Pavlac.mp4
- file:What makes tuberculosis -TB- the world-s most infectious killer - Melvin Sanicas.mp4
- file:Which is better Soap or hand sanitizer - Alex Rosenthal and Pall Thordarson.en.srt
- file:When is a pandemic over .en.srt
- file:Which voting system is the best - Alex Gendler.en.srt
- file:Which type of milk is best for you - Jonathan J. O’Sullivan & Grace E. Cunningham.en.srt
- file:What makes neon signs glow A 360° animation - Michael Lipman.mp4
- file:What is a coronavirus - Elizabeth Cox.mp4
- file:What’s the point(e) of ballet - Ming Luke.en.srt
- file:Which bag should you use - Luka Seamus Wright and Imogen Ellen Napper.en.srt
- file:What is schizophrenia - Anees Bahji.mp4
- file:What is phantom traffic and why is it ruining your life - Benjamin Seibold.mp4
- file:What is HPV and how can you protect yourself from it - Emma Bryce.mp4
- file:What if there were 1 trillion more trees - Jean-François Bastin.mp4
- file:What’s that ringing in your ears - Marc Fagelson.en.srt
- file:What is a butt tuba and why is it in medieval art - Michelle Brown.mp4
- file:Can you solve the virus riddle - Lisa Winer.mp4
- file:Can you solve the sorting hat riddle - Dan Katz and Alex Rosenthal.mp4
- file:Can you solve the world’s most evil wizard riddle - Dan Finkel.en.srt
- file:Game theory challenge Can you predict human behavior - Lucas Husted.en.srt
- file:Everything changed when the fire crystal got stolen - Alex Gendler.en.srt
- file:Why is glass transparent - Mark Miodownik.mp4
- file:Why isn’t the Netherlands underwater - Stefan Al.mp4
- file:Why doesn’t anything stick to Teflon - Ashwini Bharathula.mp4
- file:What is the world wide web - Twila Camp.mp4
- file:Why is cotton in everything - Michael R. Stiff.mp4
- file:What if cracks in concrete could fix themselves - Congrui Jin.mp4
- file:What cameras see that our eyes don-t - Bill Shribman.mp4
- file:The treadmill-s dark and twisted past - Conor Heffernan.mp4
- file:The story behind your glasses - Eva Timothy.mp4
- file:The hidden network that makes the internet possible - Sajan Saini.mp4
- file:The greatest mathematician that never lived - Pratik Aghor.mp4
- file:The history of the world according to corn - Chris A. Kniesly.mp4
- file:The history of the barometer (and how it works) - Asaf Bar-Yosef.mp4
- file:The wacky history of cell theory - Lauren Royal-Woods.mp4
- file:The greatest machine that never was - John Graham-Cumming.mp4
- file:The deadly irony of gunpowder - Eric Rosado.mp4
- file:Rosalind Franklin DNA-s unsung hero - Cláudio L. Guerra.mp4
- file:How the sandwich was invented Moments of Vision 5 - Jessica Oreck.mp4
- file:Which is stronger Glue or tape - Elizabeth Cox.en.srt
- file:Why is meningitis so dangerous - Melvin Sanicas.mp4
- file:Why is yawning contagious - Claudia Aguirre.mp4
- file:Why does your voice change as you get older - Shaylin A. Schundler.mp4
- file:Why do your knuckles pop - Eleanor Nelsen.mp4
- file:Why haven’t we cured arthritis - Kaitlyn Sadtler and Heather J. Faust.mp4
- file:Why do women have periods.mp4
- file:Your body vs. implants - Kaitlyn Sadtler.en.srt
- file:You are your microbes - Jessica Green and Karen Guillemin.en.srt
- file:Why do you get a fever when you-re sick - Christian Moro.mp4
- file:Why sitting is bad for you - Murat Dalkilinç.en.srt
- file:Why do you need to get a flu shot every year - Melvin Sanicas.mp4
- file:Why do we sweat - John Murnan.mp4
- file:Why it’s so hard to cure HIV_AIDS - Janet Iwasa.en.srt
- file:Why do we have to wear sunscreen - Kevin P. Boyd.mp4
- file:Why do we cry The three types of tears - Alex Gendler.mp4
- file:Why do our bodies age - Monica Menesini.mp4
- file:Why do some people go bald - Sarthak Sinha.mp4
- file:Why do blood types matter - Natalie S. Hodge.mp4
- file:Why do humans have a third eyelid - Dorsa Amir.mp4
- file:Why are some people left-handed - Daniel M. Abrams.mp4
- file:What is déjà vu What is déjà vu - Michael Molina.mp4
- file:Would winning the lottery make you happier - Raj Raghunathan.en.srt
- file:Why people fall for misinformation - Joseph Isaac.en.srt
- file:What is consciousness - Michael S. A. Graziano.mp4
- file:What is depression - Helen M. Farrell.mp4
- file:Why we love repetition in music - Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis.en.srt
- file:What color is Tuesday Exploring synesthesia - Richard E. Cytowic.mp4
- file:Who am I A philosophical inquiry - Amy Adkins.mp4
- file:The rise of modern populism - Takis S. Pappas.mp4
- file:The Key to Media-s Hidden Codes - Ben Beaton.mp4
- file:Why is being scared so fun - Margee Kerr.en.srt
- file:Why incompetent people think they're amazing - David Dunning.en.srt
- file:Why do we feel nostalgia - Clay Routledge.en.srt
- file:The psychology of narcissism - W. Keith Campbell.mp4
- file:Why do people join cults - Janja Lalich.en.srt
- file:Why do we dream - Amy Adkins.en.srt
- file:Why do people fear the wrong things - Gerd Gigerenzer.en.srt
- file:The psychology behind irrational decisions - Sara Garofalo.mp4
- file:The neuroscience of imagination - Andrey Vyshedskiy.mp4
- file:The dark history of IQ tests - Stefan C. Dombrowski.mp4
- file:The hidden meanings of yin and yang - John Bellaimey.mp4
- file:The difference between classical and operant conditioning - Peggy Andover.mp4
- file:Why are we so attached to our things - Christian Jarrett.en.srt
- file:How languages evolve - Alex Gendler.mp4
- file:The true story of 'true' - Gina Cooke.en.srt
- file:Where did English come from - Claire Bowern.en.srt
- file:How to use rhetoric to get what you want - Camille A. Langston.mp4
- file:What happens when you die A poetic inquiry.en.srt
- file:The race to decode a mysterious language - Susan Lupack.en.srt
- file:The language of lying — Noah Zandan.en.srt
- file:The pleasure of poetic pattern - David Silverstein.en.srt
- file:How did English evolve - Kate Gardoqui.mp4
- file:How interpreters juggle two languages at once - Ewandro Magalhaes.mp4
- file:How did clouds get their names - Richard Hamblyn.mp4
- file:How computers translate human language - Ioannis Papachimonas.mp4
- file:Speech acts Constative and performative - Colleen Glenney Boggs.en.srt
- file:One of the most difficult words to translate... - Krystian Aparta.en.srt
- file:Does grammar matter - Andreea S. Calude.mp4
- file:How can you change someone's mind (hint facts aren't always enough) - Hugo Mercier..mp4
- file:Shakespearean dating tips - Anthony John Peters.en.srt
- file:Buffalo buffalo buffalo One-word sentences and how they work - Emma Bryce.mp4
- file:Jabberwocky One of literature's best bits of nonsense.en.srt
- file:How miscommunication happens (and how to avoid it) - Katherine Hampsten.en.srt
- file:Are Elvish- Klingon- Dothraki and Na-vi real languages - John McWhorter.mp4
- file:Birth of a nickname - John McWhorter.mp4
- file:A brief history of plural word...s - John McWhorter.mp4
- file:The rise of the Ottoman Empire - Mostafa Minawi.en.srt
- file:The rise and fall of the Mongol Empire - Anne F. Broadbridge.en.srt
- file:The history of tattoos - Addison Anderson.mp4
- file:The murder of ancient Alexandria-s greatest scholar - Soraya Field Fiorio.mp4
- file:The pharaoh that wouldn't be forgotten - Kate Green.en.srt
- file:The imaginary king who changed the real world - Matteo Salvadore.mp4
- file:The most groundbreaking scientist you-ve never heard of - Addison Anderson.mp4
- file:The oddities of the first American election - Kenneth C. Davis.mp4
- file:The wars that inspired Game of Thrones - Alex Gendler.mp4
- file:The Romans flooded the Colosseum for sea battles - Janelle Peters.en.srt
- file:The myth behind the Chinese zodiac - Megan Campisi and Pen-Pen Chen.mp4
- file:The life cycle of a cup of coffee - A.J. Jacobs.mp4
- file:The meaning of life according to Simone de Beauvoir - Iseult Gillespie.mp4
- file:The mysterious life and death of Rasputin - Eden Girma.mp4
- file:The legend of Annapurna- Hindu goddess of nourishment - Antara Raychaudhuri - Iseult Gillespie.mp4
- file:The rise and fall of the Celtic warriors - Philip Freeman.en.srt
- file:The philosophy of cynicism - William D. Desmond.mp4
- file:The princess who rewrote history - Leonora Neville.en.srt
- file:The infamous and ingenious Ho Chi Minh Trail - Cameron Paterson.mp4
- file:The most successful pirate of all time - Dian Murray.mp4
- file:How fast can a vaccine be made - Dan Kwartler.mp4
- file:How does alcohol make you drunk - Judy Grisel.mp4
- file:How does laser eye surgery work - Dan Reinstein.mp4
- file:How does the stock market work - Oliver Elfenbaum.mp4
- file:How does your smartphone know your location - Wilton L. Virgo.mp4
- file:Inside your computer - Bettina Bair.en.srt
- file:Is there a reproducibility crisis in science - Matt Anticole.en.srt
- file:How to take a great picture - Carolina Molinari.en.srt
- file:How to spot a pyramid scheme - Stacie Bosley.en.srt
- file:How transistors work - Gokul J. Krishnan.en.srt
- file:How to set the table - Anna Post.en.srt
- file:How do you know if you have a virus - Cella Wright.mp4
- file:How do our brains process speech - Gareth Gaskell.mp4
- file:How do self-driving cars “see” - Sajan Saini.mp4
- file:How do ocean currents work - Jennifer Verduin.mp4
- file:How to biohack your cells to fight cancer - Greg Foot.en.srt
- file:How to choose your news - Damon Brown.en.srt
- file:How do personality tests work - Merve Emre.mp4
- file:How to 3D print human tissue - Taneka Jones.en.srt
- file:How pandemics spread.en.srt
- file:How can we solve the antibiotic resistance crisis - Gerry Wright.mp4
- file:How do investors choose stocks - Richard Coffin.mp4
- file:How computer memory works - Kanawat Senanan.mp4
- file:Can steroids save your life - Anees Bahji.mp4
- file:How brass instruments work - Al Cannon.mp4
- file:Why do cats act so weird - Tony Buffington.mp4
- file:Why do we harvest horseshoe crab blood - Elizabeth Cox.mp4
- file:Why isn't the world covered in poop - Eleanor Slade and Paul Manning.en.srt
- file:Why do we kiss under mistletoe - Carlos Reif.mp4
- file:Why are sloths so slow - Kenny Coogan.mp4
- file:Why is biodiversity so important - Kim Preshoff.en.srt
- file:Why do animals form swarms - Maria R. D-Orsogna.mp4
- file:Why certain naturally occurring wildfires are necessary - Jim Schulz.mp4
- file:Why can-t some birds fly - Gillian Gibb.mp4
- file:Why are there so many types of apples - Theresa Doud.mp4
- file:Why don’t poisonous animals poison themselves - Rebecca D. Tarvin.en.srt
- file:Why are fish fish-shaped - Lauren Sallan.mp4
- file:Where do genes come from - Carl Zimmer.mp4
- file:Why do animals have such different lifespans - Joao Pedro de Magalhaes.en.srt
- file:The controversial origins of the Encyclopedia - Addison Anderson.en.srt
- file:The evolution of the book - Julie Dreyfuss.en.srt
- file:The art of the metaphor - Jane Hirshfield.en.srt
- file:Mining literature for deeper meanings - Amy E. Harter.en.srt
- file:Romance and revolution The poetry of Pablo Neruda - Ilan Stavans.en.srt
- file:Insults by Shakespeare.en.srt
- file:Does The Wonderful Wizard of Oz have a hidden message - David B. Parker.mp4
- file:A poetic experiment Walt Whitman- interpreted by three animators - Justin Moore.mp4
- file:Everything you need to know to read Frankenstein - Iseult Gillespie.mp4
- file:An anti-hero of one-s own - Tim Adams.mp4
- file:How to recognize a dystopia - Alex Gendler.en.srt
- file:How science fiction can help predict the future - Roey Tzezana.en.srt
- file:Infinity according to Jorge Luis Borges - Ilan Stavans.en.srt
- file:How fiction can change reality - Jessica Wise.en.srt
- file:How did Dracula become the world's most famous vampire - Stanley Stepanic.en.srt
- file:A host of heroes - April Gudenrath.mp4
- file:Why should you read Tolstoy-s War and Peace - Brendan Pelsue.mp4
- file:Why should you read One Hundred Years of Solitude - Francisco Díez-Buzo.mp4
- file:Why should you read James Joyce-s Ulysses - Sam Slote.mp4
- file:Why should you read “Kafka on the Shore” - Iseult Gillespie.en.srt
- file:Can you solve the control room riddle - Dennis Shasha.en.srt
- file:A brief history of banned numbers - Alessandra King.mp4
- file:Can you solve Einstein’s Riddle - Dan Van der Vieren.en.srt
- file:Can you find the next number in this sequence - Alex Gendler.en.srt
- file:Can origami save your life - Evan Zodl.en.srt
- file:A trip through space to calculate distance - Heather Tunnell.en.srt
- file:An introduction to mathematical theorems - Scott Kennedy.en.srt
- file:A clever way to estimate enormous numbers - Michael Mitchell.en.srt
- file:Exponential Growth How Folding Paper Can Get You to the Moon.mp4
- file:Euclid-s puzzling parallel postulate - Jeff Dekofsky.mp4
- file:Exploring other dimensions - Alex Rosenthal and George Zaidan.mp4
- file:How to defeat a dragon with math - Garth Sundem.en.srt
- file:How the Königsberg bridge problem changed mathematics - Dan Van der Vieren.en.srt
- file:How many ways can you arrange a deck of cards - Yannay Khaikin.en.srt
- file:How high can you count on your fingers (Spoiler much higher than 10) - James Tanton.en.srt
- file:How many ways are there to prove the Pythagorean theorem - Betty Fei.en.srt
- file:How exactly does binary code work - José Américo N L F de Freitas.en.srt
- file:Did Shakespeare write his plays - Natalya St. Clair and Aaron Williams.mp4
- file:Check your intuition The birthday problem - David Knuffke.mp4
- file:How does math guide our ships at sea - George Christoph.en.srt
- file:There may be extraterrestrial life in our solar system - Augusto Carballido.mp4
- file:What light can teach us about the universe - Pete Edwards.en.srt
- file:What creates a total solar eclipse - Andy Cohen.mp4
- file:What is the universe expanding into - Sajan Saini.mp4
- file:Why neutrinos matter - Sílvia Bravo Gallart.en.srt
- file:What if every satellite suddenly disappeared - Moriba Jah.mp4
- file:Why is NASA sending a spacecraft to a metal world - Linda T. Elkins-Tanton.mp4
- file:Who won the space race - Jeff Steers.mp4
- file:Sunlight is way older than you think - Sten Odenwald.mp4
- file:The moon illusion - Andrew Vanden Heuvel.mp4
- file:What is the universe made of - Dennis Wildfogel.mp4
- file:The first asteroid ever discovered - Carrie Nugent.mp4
- file:Questioning the universe - Stephen Hawking.mp4
- file:Three ways the universe could end - Venus Keus.mp4
- file:The death of the universe - Renée Hlozek.mp4
- file:The journey to Pluto- the farthest world ever explored - Alan Stern.mp4
- file:The dust bunnies that built our planet - Lorin Swint Matthews.mp4
- file:Would you live on the moon - Alex Gendler.mp4
- file:The beginning of the universe- for beginners - Tom Whyntie.mp4
- file:Is there a center of the universe - Marjee Chmiel and Trevor Owens.mp4
- file:What is a calorie - Emma Bryce.en.srt
- file:How sugar affects the brain - Nicole Avena.mp4
- file:How do carbohydrates impact your health - Richard J. Wood.mp4
- file:Are food preservatives bad for you - Eleanor Nelsen.mp4
- file:The dark history of bananas - John Soluri.en.srt
- file:The science of milk - Jonathan J. O'Sullivan.en.srt
- file:How the food you eat affects your gut - Shilpa Ravella.en.srt
- file:Sugar Hiding in plain sight - Robert Lustig.en.srt
- file:What causes cavities - Mel Rosenberg.mp4
- file:What’s the big deal with gluten - William D. Chey.en.srt
- file:Should we eat bugs - Emma Bryce.mp4
- file:How to spot a fad diet - Mia Nacamulli.mp4
- file:Visualizing the medical data explosion - Anders Ynnerman.mp4
- file:Visualizing the world-s Twitter data - Jer Thorp.mp4
- file:The best stats you-ve ever seen - Hans Rosling.mp4
- file:Dance vs. PowerPoint- a modest proposal - John Bohannon.mp4
- file:Religions and babies - Hans Rosling.mp4
- file:The beauty of data visualization - David McCandless.mp4
- file:How statistics can be misleading - Mark Liddell.mp4
- file:Population pyramids Powerful predictors of the future - Kim Preshoff.mp4
- file:New Colossus by Emma Lazarus.mp4
- file:All the World's a Stage by William Shakespeare.en.srt
- file:For Estefani poem by Aracelis Girmay.en.srt
- file:First Kiss by Tim Seibles.en.srt
- file:Accents by Denice Frohman.en.srt
- file:The Opposites Game.en.srt
- file:The Nutritionist by Andrea Gibson.en.srt
- file:The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost.en.srt
- file:To Make Use of Water by Safia Elhillo.en.srt
- file:The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats.en.srt
- file:Ode to the Only Black Kid in the Class poem by Clint Smith.en.srt
- file:Three Months After by Cristin O-Keefe Aptowicz.mp4
- file:What-s invisible More than you think - John Lloyd.mp4
- file:Who IS Sherlock Holmes - Neil McCaw.mp4
- file:What’s the smallest thing in the universe - Jonathan Butterworth.mp4
- file:The beautiful nano details of our world - Gary Greenberg.mp4
- file:What is the Internet- really - Andrew Blum.mp4
- file:The hidden beauty of pollination - Louie Schwartzberg.mp4
- file:Just How Small is an Atom.mp4
- file:How do animals see in the dark - Anna Stöckl.mp4
- file:The microbial jungles all over the place (and you) - Scott Chimileski and Roberto Kolter.en.mp4
- file:The right time to second guess yourself.mp4
- file:Why I hold on to my grandmother-s tales.mp4
- file:How you can help fight pediatric cancer.en.srt
- file:How your mom's advice could save the human race.en.srt
- file:Are video games actually good for you.mp4
- file:A future lit by solar energy.mp4
- file:How to stop being bored and start being bold.en.srt
- file:How the language you speak affects your thoughts.en.srt
- file:Artificial justice would robots make good judges .en.srt
- file:ADHD finding what works for me.en.srt
- file:Be-YOU-ty over beauty!.en.srt
- file:How I learned to organize my scatterbrain.en.srt
- file:Cleaning our oceans a big plan for a big problem.en.srt
- file:TED-Ed Clubs presents TED-Ed Weekend!.en.srt
- file:Ashton Cofer A young inventor-s plan to recycle Styrofoam.mp4
- file:The flavors of life through the eyes of a chef.mp4
- file:Superhero training what you can do right now.mp4
- file:Facing the real me looking in the mirror with natural hair.mp4
- file:One way to create a more inclusive school.mp4
- file:Redefining the F word.en.srt
- file:What causes economic bubbles - Prateek Singh.mp4
- file:How does money laundering work - Delena D. Spann.mp4
- file:Why do competitors open their stores next to one another - Jac de Haan.mp4
- file:What causes an economic recession - Richard Coffin.mp4
- file:What gives a dollar bill its value - Doug Levinson.mp4
- file:How to spot a misleading graph - Lea Gaslowitz.mp4
- file:This one weird trick will help you spot clickbait - Jeff Leek & Lucy McGowan.en.mp4
- file:How false news can spread - Noah Tavlin.mp4
- file:Can you outsmart a troll -by thinking like one- - Claire Wardle.mp4
- file:Can you spot the problem with these headlines (Level 1) - Jeff Leek & Lucy McGowan.en.mp4
- file:Can you outsmart this logical fallacy - Alex Gendler.mp4
- file:Can you outsmart the fallacy that fooled a generation of doctors - Elizabeth Cox.mp4
- folder:《TED-Ed 科普动画》系列合集
- folder:038 New TED-ED Originals
- folder:036 Can You Solve This Riddle
- folder:070 Inventions that Shaped History
- folder:057 Getting Under Our Skin
- folder:064 The Way We Think
- folder:068 Playing With Language
- folder:063 The World's People and Places
- folder:069 How Things Work
- folder:072 Awesome Nature
- folder:059 Reading Between the Lines
- folder:066 Math in Real Life
- folder:046 You Are What You Eat
- folder:055 Visualizing Data
- folder:018 There's a Poem for That Season 1
- folder:065 Making the Invisible Visible
- folder:025 TED-Ed Weekend Student Talks
- folder:008 More money more problems
- folder:016 Hone your media literacy skills
- folder:054 The Writer's Workshop
- folder:056 Cyber-Influence & Power
- folder:044 Ecofying Cities
- folder:013 The world of sports
- folder:032 Myths from Around the World
- folder:027 Well-behaved women seldom make history
- folder:061 Before and After Einstein
- folder:034 Moments of Vision
- folder:010 Think Like A Coder
- folder:033 History vs
- folder:030 A day in the life
- folder:019 Understanding genetics
- folder:041 Animation Basics
- folder:005 Humans vs. Viruses
- folder:031 More book recommendations from TED-Ed
- folder:042 Student Voices from #TEDTalksEd
- folder:052 Our Changing Climate
- folder:049 The Artist's Palette
- folder:001 Hidden Figures Black History
- folder:011 The works of William Shakespeare
- folder:048 The Big Questions
- folder:021 TED-Ed Riddles Season 4
- folder:062 Government Declassified
- folder:045 Everyone Has a Story
- folder:047 Mind Matters
- folder:071 Questions No One (Yet) Knows the Answers To
分享时间 | 2025-02-11 |
入库时间 | 2025-02-28 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 喜悦*猩猩 |