中小学英语 全国优质课大赛4-9届(含课件)夸克网盘资源_网盘资源_夸克网盘资源搜索_全盘搜 file:My New Flat 五小 山东.rmvb file:I Have a Pen Pal 五小 广东.rmvb file:Travelling 五小 北京.rmvb file:The Boy Who Cried Wolf 六小 吉林.rmvb file:What to Wear 五小 河北.rmvb file:It's a Grapefruit 五小 天津.rmvb file:They Sit around Tables 五小 湖南.rmvb file:The Rainforest 五小 安徽.rmvb file:Rabbits Dreams 五小 四川.rmvb file:In a Clothing Store 五小 黑龙江.rmvb file:C上海_潘骏康the moment aroud the world.mp4 file:B四川_潘小平let's go.mp4 file:N湖北_顾佳 my dream school.mp4 file:A浙江_赵雪鹏at the farm.mp4 file:L云南_曹月婷my lucky day.mp4 file:A山东_郭钰锋cats and dogs.mp4 file:B甘肃_马婧travel plans.mp4 file:H福建_何浩程the magic paintbrush.mp4 file:M海南_柳扬雪 a visit to UN.mp4 file:F陕西_韩超seasons in canada.mp4 file:J湖南_李博洋can i have a puppy.mp4 file:E新疆_李悦where are you going to go.mp4 file:G河南_孙亚南jim's hobbies.mp4 file:M宁夏_冷瑾my new friend.mp4 file:K广西_曾云凯we're going to have a picnic.mp4 file:J新疆_刘芳what do you suggest.mp4 file:E贵州_季瑜you can play basket well.mp4 file:G广东_董剑my daily routine.mp4 file:F内蒙古_韩阿荣my favourite season.mp4 file:I黑龙江_吴锐plans for the vocation.mp4 file:O北京_王红life in the year 2050.mp4 file:L安徽_陆勤劳on arbor day.mp4 file:K辽宁_栾福迎do you want to visit UN building.mp4 file:D江西_王颖let's enjoy your weekend.mp4 file:I青海_张文婷what did she have for lunch.mp4 file:N江苏_吴丹the king's new clothes.mp4 file:H河北_李茵baby becky.mp4 file:D吉林_程晔use your five senses.mp4 file:视频课分类文件夹目录,每个文件夹包含不止一个课堂视频.jpg file:谢文婷.rmvb file:六小课件9 上海 潘俊卿.zip file:四小赵春花《Our School Uniform》重庆市谢....rmvb file:07湖南 黄 俐 四年级I love my white shoes.mp4 file:25宁夏 杨丽华 五年级Unit 2 My week Part A Let's spell.mp4 file:10山西 李 雁 四年级Friends.mp4 file:01安徽 葛靓清 六年级Little duck's shadow.mp4 file:17天津 刘 朵 五年级The concert.mp4 file:24甘肃 韩 霞 五年级Unit 4 When is Easter Part B Read and write.mp4 file:18广西 李红娟 五年级Mum bought new T-shirts for you.mp4 file:04广东 陈海燕 六年级I am angry.mp4 file:22青海 薛 静 五年级They sell many different things.mp4 file:12河南 马东方 四年级What time is it.mp4 file:15新疆建设兵团 姬银雪 五年级 Module 4 Library.mp4 file:20吉林 张 杨 五年级Water Period 1.mp4 file:09新疆 何 睿 五年级Food.mp4 file:03辽宁 董 丹 六年级Reusing things.mp4 file:13北京 绳雅婷 四年级Lesson 11 Ask and show the way.mp4 file:16陕西 张 娟 五年级Care for Mother Earth.mp4 file:02河北 刘 存 六年级Danny's summer holiday.mp4 file:30上海 沈雯晴 五年级Films I like.mp4 file:14福建 陈雅静 四年级Suggestions on keeping healthy.mp4 file:08湖北 雷 爽 五年级Whose house is it.mp4 file:26山东 纪 辉 五年级Birthday traditions.mp4 file:19江苏 桂婷婷 五年级Emperor penguins.mp4 file:21四川 刘魏丹 五年级 Put them into the bins.mp4 file:06重庆 龚 浪 四年级年级Story corner.mp4 file:11江西 肖菲菲 四年级What do you like Part B Let's talk.mp4 file:27海南 李 媛 五年级You can play football well.mp4 file:28黑龙江 薛彦皎 五年级Where is the gift shop.mp4 file:29贵州 燕 璟 五年级Changes around us.mp4 folder:中小学英语 全国优质课大赛4-9届(含课件) folder:第五届 全国小学英语优质课比赛视频(说课和讲课) folder:2018福建厦门全国最新第九届小学英语观摩课 folder:第九届全国小学英语课堂教学观摩培训 folder:授课老师配套课件 folder:六小课件11 山西 赵莉 folder:15 北京 朱晓媛 folder:六小课件3青海省 马海桂 folder:江苏 李磊(29日上午) folder:8届视频 folder:第四届全国小英教学设计.教学课件.专家PP folder:【课件PPT 音视频】 19 湖南李博洋 folder:04 海南 廖仙Happy halloween folder:11 黑龙江 鞠家库The best sandcastle folder:22 贵州 朱友杰Helen Keller folder:19 湖北 丁洁琼Big science folder:29 辽宁 潘宁miguel's dream folder:02 江西 陈园园 shopping folder:20 河南 桑文静I have a pen pal folder:25 山西 庞文娅Rudolf' big red nose folder:09 浙江 梁丽燕snake and rat folder:06 广西 黄雪慧I helped Mum folder:08 云南 张倩怡There is a big bed folder:30 宁夏 丁瑞芳Growing up folder:05 四川 张倩Sam the big,bad cat folder:26 青海 库凤玲My favourite season is spring folder:23 安徽 孔令飞The journey of little water drop folder:18 陕西 孙璟Mect Robin folder:28 吉林 李杨Great invention folder:14 江苏 周亚文Say no to bullying folder:27 内蒙 宋宇What is your favourite animal folder:15 甘肃 龚成菊what can you do folder:10 重庆 漆兴洪Float or sink folder:24 河北 周小嫚Good Health to you folder:31 湖南 赵心韵Shall we go to the theatre folder:01 天津 阚秀娟everyone is gifted folder:21 北京 谢添Belinda folder:03 福建 朱炎don,t feed the fish folder:13 新疆兵团 宋娜Halloween folder:07 山东 刘华东The hug folder:17 上海 桂凌俊In our school folder:12 广东 钟秀清Last weekend folder:2 福建 张萍 folder:山东 孟娜(新) folder:9.21 课件定稿 folder:辽宁 张雪琦 folder:黑龙江 田溪 folder:15 新疆建设兵团 姬银雪 folder:06 重庆 龚浪 folder:05 内蒙古 李亚男 folder:30 上海 沈雯晴 分享时间 2025-03-02 入库时间 2025-03-08 状态检测 有效 资源类型 QUARK 分享用户 虎虎*威的蝴蝶 资源有问题?点此举报 链接 跳转 分享