清华附小英语人教版01-06年级(总310课)夸克网盘资源_网盘资源_夸克网盘资源搜索_全盘搜 file:04-01 Numbers.mp4 file:02-02 Look,this is me..mp4 file:03-04 I spy an animal..mp4 file:01-02 Stationery.mp4 file:03-03 A big band.mp4 file:06-02 I like oranges..mp4 file:00-00 Hello!.mp4 file:01-01 Pen, pencil box, bag, book.mp4 file:04-02 How many girls are there in the picture? .mp4 file:05-02 Orange, brown, black and white.mp4 file:06-03 Do you like .... ?.mp4 file:12-a story of an old clock.mp4 file:06.the magic carpet.mp4 file:11-what time is it.mp4 file:01.what can you do.mp4 file:22-yesterday today and tomorrow.mp4 file:17-c g ph.mp4 file:05.what's your favourite season.mp4 file:04.how's the weather today.mp4 file:02.a zebra star.mp4 file:03.er ir ur .mp4 file:15-Marty's timetable.mp4 file:16-what do you do on the weekend.mp4 file:18-7days in a week.mp4 file:20-simple present tense2.mp4 file:13-go fishing.mp4 file:08 Seasons.mp4 file:21-ee ea e.mp4 file:24..what do you want to be in the future.mp4 file:05.hobbies.mp4 file:21.public signs.mp4 file:02.descrbe their hobbies.mp4 file:04.this is my friend.mp4 file:07.play baseball with moose.mp4 file:14.traffic lights and traffic sings.mp4 file:16.asking the way.mp4 file:23.safety rules.mp4 file:12.vehicles.mp4 file:17.can I use your .mp4 file:15.different ways.mp4 file:18.what should you do in danger.mp4 file:11.Alex has great fun with his family.mp4 file:22.I am having a bad day.mp4 file:19.near next to beside behind.mp4 file:26.I want to be a-an.mp4 file:13.祈使句王国四剑客.mp4 file:06.let's go swimming.mp4 file:10.do you often.mp4 file:02.what do you know about Canada2.mp4 file:11.my free time moose.mp4 file:20.12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac.mp4 file:04.Always often sometimes and never.mp4 file:27.conceit makes one lag behind.mp4 file:23.Alex's Graduation Speech.mp4 file:03.A friend in need is a friend indeed.mp4 file:10.how to be a good student.mp4 file:25.a stage play-The little Match girl.mp4 file:08.what do you need to get ready for school.mp4 file:09.we are going to make a sanwich.mp4 file:22.we're preparing for the graduation ceremony.mp4 file:12. welcome to our class.mp4 file:13.the special weekend.mp4 file:26.what will be will be.mp4 file:19.why are people of different colors.mp4 file:24.The foolish old man removed the mountains.mp4 file:21.Marty's summer vacation plan.mp4 file:18. I like.mp4 file:24.Nationality.mp4 file:27.Our holiday in Australia.mp4 file:26.I am from .mp4 file:22.how often do you exercise.mp4 file:08.how to protect the environment.mp4 file:11.how did you get here.mp4 file:13.my dream travel.mp4 file:09.Let's live a low-carbon life.mp4 file:25.I'm from the USA.mp4 file:07.we have a beautiful city.mp4 folder:清华附小英语人教版01-06年级(总310课) folder:01年级上 19集 分享时间 2025-03-13 入库时间 2025-03-21 状态检测 有效 资源类型 QUARK 分享用户 开心*丁香 资源有问题?点此举报 链接 跳转 分享